Adopt Our Pastors*
Few people have a chance to improve their quality of life in Cuba. Economic restrictions have limited Cubans for over 60 years and opportunities for pastors and leaders are non-existent. If you couple the lack of opportunity with food and medicine shortages, the result is a struggle to survive.
This is where you come in. By committing to pray for our pastors and providing a monthly gift of $100, you can be a part of helping them survive and provide an opportunity to focus on being the shepherds God has called them to be.
The prayer support and resources pastors and leaders receive, as part of our Proclaim Cuba family, make it possible for them to not only survive but also have the opportunity to shine.
Meet our pastors below, get a glimpse of their stories, and see where God leads as you help to Adopt Our Pastors.
Iglesia “Peniel”
Jiguaní, Province: Granma
Pastor Manuel and his wife, Reyna, have been serving
the Lord for many years in various ministerial areas, but
12 years ago, God called them to the pastoral ministry,
which they have been developing with immense passion. They hold degrees in Theology and are professors in our Seminary.
Pastor Manuel planted his church in 2005 and joined the proclaim Cuba pastoral team in 2018.
manuel & reina elena

Iglesia “Ríos de Agua Viva”
Pozo Redondo, Province: Granma
Pastor Roberto accepted Christ at a very young age
and since then he has felt a strong calling to be a
pastor. He has served in that role now for 20 years. He
has a Bachelor of Theology degree, and his greatest
passion is preaching the gospel. Despite being
physically disabled, like his wife, both are mission
planters throughout the area where they are
Pastor Roberto and Yolaisis began working with
Proclaim Cuba in 2014.
Roberto & Yolaisis

Iglesia “Conucos”
Pozo Redondo, Province: Granma
Pastor Magalis began working for Proclaim Cuba in
Magalis is well-versed in the gospel. She makes
charcoal in the mountains to help support missionary
work, which she calls the meaning of her life. In
addition to being a missionary, she is the main leader
of the local church.

Iglesia “Reposo de Dios”
“Reparto Pompita”, Province: Granma
Yudit began working with Proclaim Cuba in 2019.
Yudit is the result of the work of Pastor Roberto
and Yolaisis, who mentored her and sparked her
passion for missions. She was the administrator of
the local church for several years, until she felt her
calling to establish a mission church of her own.

Iglesia “Fuente de Vida”
El Chapuzón, Bayamo, Province: Granma
Pastor Nolberto began working with Proclaim Cuba in
Pastor Nolberto and his wife, Yordania, have been
closely linked to missionary work since their
conversion to the Lord. Missions have become their
greatest passion. They work to reach the town where
they live with the gospel of Christ and make disciples.
Nolberto & Yordania

Iglesia “EL Shaddai”
Las Tunas, Province: Las Tunas
Pastor Jose planted his church in 2010 and joined the pastoral team of Proclaim Cuba in 2017.
Pastor José has been characterized by his hard work in
the missionary field and church planting. Over 10 years
of ministry, he has planted 23 mission churches, of
which 14 have been established as local churches. He
has a degree in Theology and holds certificates in
various pastoral training courses.
José & Dalbis

Iglesia “Llamados a ser Santos”
Reparto Aeropuerto, Province: Las Tunas
Pastor Alberto planted his church in 2015 and joined the Proclaim Cuba pastoral team in 2017.
Pastor Alberto began his work as a children's teacher
and then became the leader of the missions department of his local church. He worked for several years as a
missionary until accepting the call to become a pastor.
His life’s passion has been the work on the mission field and discipleship. He holds a degree in Biblical Studies
and Evangelism.
Alberto & Isabel

Iglesia “Manantial de Vida”
Reparto Sosa, Province: Las Tunas
Pastor Yolexis began working with Proclaim Cuba in
2013 and planted his church that same year.
Before pastoring, Yolexis was a national youth leader
and also a missionary for several years. He holds
degrees in Biblical Counseling, Evangelism, and
Pastoral Training. Together with his wife, Yaneisy,
they feel grateful to the Lord for choosing them to
Yolexis & Yaneisy

Iglesia “Visión Celular”
San José, Province: Las Tunas
Pastor Yoicet and Beatriz started their mission church
in 2018.
After accepting the Lord, Pastor Yoicet became passionate about serving as a missionary. He
and his wife, Beatriz, began evangelizing from house to house in their community. They started a small
discipleship cell, continuing their outreach until it was
established as a mission church.
Yoicet & Beatriz

Iglesia “Jesús es el Cristo”
Chincha Coja, Province: Las Tunas
Pastor Azael planted his church in 2015 and joined
the Proclaim Cuba pastoral team.
Pastor Azael was born in a Christian home in the
province of Guantánamo. He started serving the
Lord in the area of music, and in 2014, he felt called
to serve God as a pastor. He and his wife, Mariani,
have developed a strong missionary movement in
the rural areas of their province.
Azael & Mariani

Iglesia “Sinaí”
El Corojo, Jobabo, Province: Las Tunas
Manuel established his church in 2019 and has since
joined the Proclaim Cuba pastoral team.
Pastor Manuel began to evangelize in "El Corojo", due to the growth of his evangelistic work, more than 30% of this community now gather in the church, thus being one of the highest percentages of membership with respect to population in the ministry.
manuel & Maryanis

Iglesia “Lugar de Refugio”
Yarigua, Province: Las Tunas
Pastor Jose started his mission work at the beginning of 2020 just prior to the Covid-19 pandemic.
After 5 years of serving as missionaries, Pastors Jose and Belinda established a church with more than 30 members. Later, they settled in Las Tunas where they continue their ministerial work. Jose holds an Undergraduate diploma in Sacred Theology and a diploma in Church Planting. Missionary work continues to be their greatest passion.
JosÉ & Belinda

Iglesia “Dios está presente”
Las Tunas, Province: Las Tunas
Pastor Alexander started his church in 2007 and joined the Proclaim Cuba pastoral team.
Pastor Alexander had been baptized for only one year when the pastor of his local church left Alexander to lead the congregation while his pastor made a trip abroad. When that pastor emigrated to another country, the congregation asked Alexander to shepherd them. He has now served for 13 years in that role. He and his wife consider shepherding their flock to be their greatest passion.
Alexander & Mariela

Iglesia “El Buen Samaritano”
Jatibonico, Province: Santi-Spíritus
Pastor Arnoldo became a part of Proclaim Cuba on
August 8, 2015.
Pastor Arnoldo has 24 years of ministry experience
serving the Lord as a youth leader, missionary, and
pastor. He helped to establish the church in Jatibonico
in 2015 and is currently pastoring there. Pastor Arnoldo
graduated with a Bachelor's in Theology, and his greatest passion is the pastoral service with his wife, Enilvis. They have 3 children.
Arnoldo & Enilvis

Iglesia “Renacer en Cristo”
Carretera Arroyo Blanco, Province: Santi-Spíritus
Pastor Emilio became a part of Proclaim Cuba in 2018.
Pastor Emilio and his wife Barbara have been believers
for more than 26 years and have served the Lord in
various areas. They both hold bachelor's degrees in
Theology and their greatest passion is serving as
pastors in their community.
Emilio & Bárbara

Iglesia “Solo Cristo Salva”
La Cooperativa, Jatibonico. Province: Santi-Spíritus
Pastor Delfina became a part of Proclaim Cuba in
Pastor Delfina had been serving the Lord for many
years in various ministerial areas in her home church
until she felt the call to become a missionary in the
town where she pastors today. She is a graduate of
our seminary. Together with her husband, they
passionately serve in whatever ways they can.

Iglesia “Cristo La Roca”
Cabaiguán, Province: Santi-Spíritus
Pastor Jorge became a part of Proclaim Cuba in 2016.
He established his church, Cabaiguan, in February of
Pastor Jorge has spent 30 years serving the Lord as a
missionary and a pastor in various parts of the Santi-
Spíritus province. He has a Bachelor of Theology
degree and his greatest passion is working alongside
his wife as missionaries and pastors in the mountainous
areas of their province.
Jorge & Misladis

Iglesia “Peniel”
Florida, Province: Camagüey
Pastor Eduardo planted his current church on April 21 of
2007 and came on full time with Proclaim Cuba in 2016.
Pastor Eduardo accepted Christ in 1990, and since then,
he has served as an evangelist, missionary, and deacon
until he became a pastor in 2005. His pastorate has been characterized by missionary work and planting 9
additional churches. He has a Bachelor of Theology
degree, and his greatest passion is pastoring with his wife, Marlenis, training those who feel called to missions. He currently serves as Proclaim Cuba’s Central Region Vice President.
Eduardo & Marlenis

Iglesia “Voz de Júbilo”
Community “El Tráfico”, Florida, Province: Camagüey
Pastor Yosbany became a part of Proclaim Cuba in
2018 when he established his church.
Pastor Yosbany was born into a Christian home.
Throughout his ministerial life, he has been a
youth leader, children's teacher, district leader, and
missionary. He has a Bachelor’s in Theology, and
his greatest passion is evangelism and discipleship.

Iglesia “Monte de Sion”
La Carbonera, Province: Camagüey
Daisy became a part of Proclaim Cuba in 2020
when she started a local mission church.
Daisy converted to Christianity in 1999 and has
served in the ministries of teaching and evangelism
service. Her greatest passion is evangelistic work
in the community.

Iglesia “Faro de Cristo”
Reparto Modelo, Province: Camagüey
Pastor Oscar and his wife, Marlenis, became a part of
Proclaim Cuba when they planted their church in June of
Pastor Oscar has been a believer for 36 years and has
served as a youth leader and planter of several missions in the Céspedes area. Oscar and Marlenis are bi-vocational, as they are active medical doctors as well. They hold Bachelor of Theology degrees, and their greatest passion is working every day in their community through evangelism, discipleship, and training.
Oscar & Marlenis

Iglesia “La Hermosa”
Centro Histórico, Province: Camagüey
Pastor Raul and his wife, Belkis, planted a church in
2000 and became a part of Proclaim Cuba in 2016.
After Pastor Raul and his wife were married, they
accepted Christ in 1998 and decided to open the doors
of their house to serve as a place of worship. Over the
years of work in the community, several missions
churches have emerged. They both hold degrees in
Theology and are passionate about shepherding lost
souls and discipling them.
Raúl & Belkis

Iglesia “Hechos 29”
Buenos Aires, Province: Camagüey
Pastor Yudelsis began working for Proclaim Cuba
in 2018.
Pastor Yudelsis accepted Christ in 1993 and has served the Lord as a youth leader, a teacher of baptism candidates, and later as a women's leader. Her greatest service has been in missionary work to various municipalities of the Camagüey Province. Today, she shepherds one of those churches with great passion.

Iglesia “Maranatha”
Las Mercedes, Province: Camagüey
Pastor Mayrelis began working for Proclaim Cuba
in 2018.
She accepted Christ in 2015. Very early in her life, she felt the call to serve the Lord. She began working in one of the missions of her local church until that mission became a church. She is a physician by profession and her greatest passion is evangelism and discipleship. She and her husband have two teenage daughters.

Iglesia “Renacer”
Carretera Arroyo Blanco, Province: Santi-Spíritus
Pastor Humberto planted his current church in 2017 and began working Proclaim Cuba.
Pastor Humberto and his wife began pastoral ministry in the year 2000, planting the Methodist Church in Baracoa, and later pastoring two other churches in other parts of the country. Then, God called them to start the church they pastor today in the city of Camagüey. Humberto’s greatest passion is small group work, which has allowed him to experience a sustained growth of the congregation throughout these years.
umberto & Herminia
Iglesia “Restauración Familiar”
Bahia, Province: La Habana
The Family Restoration Church was planted in 2009 and became a part of Proclaim Cuba in 2010.
Pastor Yovanis has served as a cell group leader, sports ministry leader, missionary, and evangelistic crusade speaker. He is currently the Vice President of Proclaim Cuba in the Western region of the Island. His wife Yaima is the National Director for the Children's Ministry. Both Yovanis and Yaima hold Bachelor of Theology degrees. The passion of both is to equip and train the leadership, and the church in general, to achieve the purpose of the Lord in their lives.
Yovanis & Yaima

Iglesia “Centro Misionero Adulam”
Mariel, Province: Artemisa
Their church was planted in 2002. In 2015, they began working with Proclaim Cuba.
Pastor Osvaldo accepted the Lord in 1989, and soon after, he began to serve as a missionary and then as a pastor. He has a Bachelor of Theology degree and is trained as a marriage counselor. His greatest passion is to shepherd, with his wife, the church that God has entrusted to them. He also loves to collaborate with other ministry servants to expand the Kingdom.
Osvaldo & Mayelin

Iglesia “Fuente de Bendición”
Barriada San Jacinto, Province: Artemisa
Their church was planted in 2012. In 2015, they began working with Proclaim Cuba.
Pastor Felipe and his wife Nelvisa began to serve the Lord in 2006 as missionaries in a rural area of the Mariel municipality. They started three mission churches in addition to the one they are currently pastoring. Both Felipe and Nelvissa graduated with Bachelor of Theology degrees. As pastors, they are passionate about missions and training new missionaries for that important work.
Felipe & Nelvisa

Iglesia “Centro Internacional de
Adoración y Restauración”
Boyeros, Province: La Habana
Pastor Dariel started working full-time with Proclaim Cuba in 2015, and in January 2017, he and Yanet planted their current church.
Pastor Dariel began serving the Lord as a leader of evangelism. Both Dariel and Yanet hold Bachelor in Theology degrees and Dariel holds a diploma in Church Planting and Leading Worship. Pastor Dariel is a very passionate preacher and worship leader. He and his wife love evangelism, planting new churches, and worship.
Dariel & Yanet

Iglesia “Más que vencedores”
Town Capdevila, Province: La Habana
Pastor Aurora in July 2016 began working with Proclaim Cuba.
In 2010, Pastor Aurora started her service to the Lord as a leader of a small prayer group in her own home. Six years later, that small group became a mission church, and in April 2019 became an established church. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Theology and is currently The WELL Women’s Ministry Coordinator for the Western Region of Cuba. Her greatest passion is preaching the gospel, making disciples, and opening new missions.

Iglesia "Renuevo del Monte de Sion"
Habana del Este, Province: La Habana
Pastor Eliecer began working for Proclaim Cuba in 2020.
Pastor Eliecer and his wife, Belen, graduated with Bachelor's degrees in Theology. They have served as children's pastors for 16 years, and in October 2017, they started the church they are currently pastoring. They are most passionate about helping the needy, disabled, and elderly in the community.
Eliecer & Belén

Iglesia “mover”
San Miguel del Padrón, Province: La Habanaa
Pastor Hanoi began working for Proclaim Cuba in 2015.
Pastors Hanoi and Yarileisy began to serve the Lord in 2008 as associate pastors of a church they helped to plant. They felt the calling from the Lord to start a new church, and in January 2016 they planted the church they are currently pastoring. Pastor Hanoi’s main passion is to form disciples of Christ by equipping and developing them.
Hanói & Yarileisy

Iglesia “La Peña de Horeb”
Alamar, Province: La Habana
Pastor Dihanyer recently began working for Proclaim Cuba.
Pastor Dihanyer and Janice played multiple roles at their local church. They are most passionate about evangelism and teaching through social media. After Pastor William, Janice's father, lost his battle against Covid-19 early in 2021, Dihanyer and Janice assumed the roles of senior pastors at the church her parents started.
Dihanyer & Janice

“In an effort to provide equity among pastors, donated funds from Adopt Our Pastors are not spent on specific pastors or leaders but pooled with other contributions to pay grants and fund food, spiritual training, education, care, or other ministry projects in the church communities”