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Our Stories | Bellas U.S.A.

In a spirit-filled weekend, the BELLAS Ministry marked a significant milestone with its 1st retreat in Dallas, TX. The gathering was graced by 12 young individuals from the First Baptist Church of Gainesville, and the atmosphere was set for an experience that would shape their spiritual journeys!

A United Retreat:

Themed "Unidas" (Translated “United”), the retreat aimed at fostering a deep sense of identity in Christ and cultivating discipleship through unity, drawing inspiration from the primitive church described in Acts 2:44-47. With the help of dedicated individuals like Abby Farelo, her family, Yanet Alamino, and two partners, our team orchestrated a harmonious event that touched the lives of 22 young women.

The heart of the retreat centered on lessons from John 15:1-5, focusing on being united with the "True Vine." Topics ranged from understanding one's identity in Christ, to remaining steadfast in faith and the importance of multiplication, symbolized by the fruits of the Spirit.

Three challenges were presented to the young women in attendance:

1. Daily Union with the True Vine (Jesus):

Emphasizing the importance of staying connected to the source of strength and life!

2. Multiplication and Discipleship:

Encouraging the young women to become disciples of Christ and actively participate in the multiplication of His teachings!

3. Service to the Lord in Their Churches:

Urging them to take what they've learned and apply it in serving their local communities!

Impact Beyond Our Expectations:

In a beautiful twist of divine surprise, the retreat exceeded expectations when the attendees began sharing their testimonies. They expressed that the experience was unlike anything they had encountered before and that its impact lingered in their lives.

Post-Retreat Initiatives:

The impact didn't stop there. The attendees, inspired by their transformative experience, expressed their eagerness to continue the BELLAS Ministry in their respective churches. They are already strategizing ways to multiply themselves by becoming disciples who, in turn, make disciples.

The inaugural BELLAS Ministry retreat in the U.S. was not just an event; it was a catalyst for spiritual growth, unity, and discipleship. As we reflect on the unexpected blessings and the heartfelt testimonies shared, we are filled with gratitude for the divine orchestration that unfolded. The seeds planted during "Unidas" are already germinating, promising a future harvest of disciples who will continue to multiply the transformative message of Christ. The journey has just begun, and the unity forged in Dallas will echo in the hearts of these young women as they carry the torch of discipleship forward.

For more information on how you can Embrace Cuba and engage with the Bellas ministry in all of their efforts, visit our contact page and get in touch with one of our staff! 

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